Super Sampling

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Super Sampling

Post by Hotshot22 » Thu, 12. Apr 18, 16:51

Hi there,

it's pretty unbelievable, but I found only one reference and that was the VR edition...

As was the case with the X3 games, this - albeit much more beautiful - has a HUGE problem with aliasing!

1) So, is there any way to enable ingame SuperSampling? Via startup options, ini-tweaks, console?

Because I can of course activate nVidia Resolution Scaling, but that leads to unreadable small text :-(

2) Is there any way to set the font-size?

Thanks a bunch!

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Post by linolafett » Thu, 12. Apr 18, 18:05

Short answer (as far as my artist brain knows) to both: no.
There is no Supersampling implemented and therefore not avaliable.
UI scale is also not changeable, sorry.

The supplied Anti aliasing options are not working for you?
01001100 01101001 01101110 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 01110011 00101110 00101110 00101110

My art stuff

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Post by Hotshot22 » Thu, 12. Apr 18, 20:57

Unfortunately, no.

The AA is just not doing enough :-\ (even 8x)
Is this "normal" Multi-Sample AA or some form of shader based AA?
'cause I've MFAA activated but it doesn't help either.

Well, what a shame... I'm currently playing with 1.5x SS. It's at least half readable. Gotta have to do I guess.

(but maybe You could implement in X4?^^)

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