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[SCRIPT] Lure Spaceflies v1.06

Posted: Mon, 22. Jan 07, 10:35
by Bunny
Lure Spaceflies v1.06

This script makes manual capture of spaceflies in X3 a viable option to making money.

It gets the ship to attract spaceflies to it by releasing a small amount of nostrop or rastar oil. The flies will follow the ship and thus be easier find and capture.

Notes on use
- The sector must contain rocks or asteroids or else no spaceflies will be found.
- After releasing the oil then wait for the flies to reach you (better to be stationary while waiting)
- It can take several minutes for the flies to track down your ship.
- Don't release oil more often then once every 15 minutes, it would be a waste.
- The script command will only appear in the menu for the player ship.
- Each lure attempt will release one unit of nostrop or rastar oil.

Download spk and zip bundle
Hosted by Xai Corporation - Download

Required Equipment
- Spacefly collector
- Nostrop or rastar oil

Version History
- 1.06 Original Release

Uses Piracy slot 40, text page 8957 & text file 8957

If you want your ships to automatically capture spaceflies then try cycrow's
Spacefly hunting software

Thanks to LV for the spacefly tip

Re: [SCRIPT] Lure Spaceflies v1.06

Posted: Mon, 22. Jan 07, 20:30
by Klyith
Bunny wrote:It gets the ship to attract spaceflies to it by releasing a small amount of nostrop or rastar oil. The flies will follow the ship and thus be easier find and capture.
Hey, the idea of using oil as "bait" is really great!
It's a shame that scripts can't alter object effects, it would be awesome if releasing the oil made your ship leave a glow trail for a little while.

Idea for future expansion: Each use has a small chance to spawn some Boron or Argon ships that try to protect the flies by attacking you. The X3 version of Greenpeace. Save the spaceflies!

Re: [SCRIPT] Lure Spaceflies v1.06

Posted: Mon, 22. Jan 07, 20:32
by Saint-Ashley
Klyith wrote:Each use has a small chance to spawn some Boron or Argon ships that try to protect the flies by attacking you.
Nice twist to the proffits! Spacefly Protectors! :lol: Thus you wouldnt want to capture spaceflies in friendly race areas...

Posted: Tue, 23. Jan 07, 10:35
by GradeALunatic
Holy crap, it actually works.. had my doubts but.. went out in shareholders fortune.. used the command, and within 2 mins, i saw a lil yellow glow pass my ship...

Posted: Tue, 23. Jan 07, 10:39
by bob hope
now, i wonder if this is helpfull to get bonuses for tp missions too :o

just need a larger capacity tp than usual :D

i think i am going to have to mod a tp so that its got 1.5k cargo or something so i know i have enough room in it :D

Posted: Tue, 23. Jan 07, 11:50
by 999-JAY-999
Nice script Bunny..... hopping mad with ideas !

Posted: Sun, 4. Jul 10, 19:15
by Mazryonh
15 minutes real time or game time between "applications" of oil?