X56 HOTAS setup problem

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X56 HOTAS setup problem

Post by Kessica » Mon, 2. Sep 19, 14:16


Whilst awaiting the updates for X4 to be released, before I buy it, I have been playing X3AP using my Thrustmaster joystick which works as expected. I am currently playing under Windows 10 via steam. No problems whatsoever.

I want to use my X56 HOTAS, but really struggling to get it work in any fashion apart from just the single joystick replacing my Thrustmaster.

I have setup vjoy and ujr as per instructions here:
http://www.egosoft.com/support/faq/faq_ ... &version=9

However I cant seem to get anything to work, so I am obviously doing something very wrong.

1) Under the game controls in windows control panel, I can set the default joystick. Does this need to be vjoy, stick or throttle, or does it not matter?

2) When starting X3AP which input do I choose? I am asuming it should be vjoy, but really unsure. Also there are check boxes that need to be set. What should these be?

3) When running X3AP which joysticks should be set to what? (e.g. yaw, pitch, etc)

As I said, I dont have problems with the Thrustmaster single stick and that being selected as the input device, but this hotas is blowing my brain apart.

Many thanks,


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