[AP] Drake texture glitch?

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[AP] Drake texture glitch?

Post by ZosX » Tue, 14. Apr 20, 05:00

Hi I'm using the steam version. I bought a Drake and noticed the textures glitched out when you rotate it or change direction in cockpit view. None of my other ships do this so it seems to be a glitch or bad texture data. It seems like the textures get messed up at certain angles according to the light direction. I reverted to vanilla and checked the file integrity and it doesn't seem to be anything on my end. Running Nvidia drivers here but I don't think there's anything wrong with the game otherwise. If I could find a way to pull the model file out of the game data and update it, I would be happy to do that. I just haven't dug that far into modding X3 yet. I just want to get through this playthrough of the TC and AP plots at the moment. I really wanted to love the Drake but looks like the hyabusa is just going to have to do for fleet resupply. It's has the best shields so it wins anyways. Shame equipping 20 at a time with weapons is kind of a pain but it is what it is.

Alan Phipps
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Re: [AP] Drake texture glitch?

Post by Alan Phipps » Tue, 14. Apr 20, 13:18

Please post a link to a screenshot or video showing what you mean. A link to a vanilla save capable of showing the issue with the Drake directly on loading would be nice for other players and modders to take a look and maybe offer advice.
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