DDRS Rebalance V2.5 with 55 custom ships and 6 custom shipyards

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DDRS Rebalance V2.5 with 55 custom ships and 6 custom shipyards

Post by DeadlyDa » Fri, 17. Nov 06, 20:44

DDRS Rebalance! Version 2.5 - now with 55 ships and 6 custom shipyards!

++ Version 2.5 - NOTE: Restart Required!!!

This is a big release...and here is what you get:

1. The ever-wonderful doubleshadow has created an NSIS plugin that lets me create a true Windows installer doe DDRS. This takes longer to actually do the install on the target system, but substantially reduces the size of the file that must be downloaded. I still include the traditional RAR and self-extracting EXE files, but for those with slower connections, you might want to give the new NSIS installer a try.

2. The big change is the addition of a 6th shipyard for the Yaki. Now when you complete a mission to unlock one of the Yaki ships, it will be sold at the Yaki shipyard (once you find it).

3. There are two new sectors (and gates) added to alter (enhance?) the flow of travel across the galaxy map.

4. There are quite a few "derelicts" scattered around...mostly in one of the new sectors (with an appropriate name), but also in a few other locations. Don't expect these "Easter eggs" to be sitting in the center of the sector waiting for you to find them!

5. There are four new ships; the Yaki Shuriken (M5), the Sai (M4), the Split Krait Super Freighter (TS), and a new custom M6 model for the Split Spitting Cobra.

6. There is a new quad-laser turret that is used by some ships (not many, as it can be quite powerful).

7. For those that remember the "good old days" when DDRS included a "hacked" x3story OBJ file that enabled the capture if "big ships"...well, the capability is back! We created a separate section over on the DDRS forums where Brand-X could develop a new Unified Capture script. This was a huge effort, and there was quite a lively debate between Brand-X and members of the DDRS team (Hieronymos chief among them, as he had worked with LV on the old HAT script). There were some really interesting features added in by Brand-X picked-up on as he developed the script. In short, you can now capture ships of all sizes, and even when the pilots don't "bail", they may well eject some useful goodies for you to collect. This is version 1, and Brand-X has generously allowed me to include the scripts in DDRS while he works on version 2. It is really important to check the "readme" file for UniCap that is included in the Readme & Text folder created during the DDRS install process.

8. The DD.Bountyhunter scripts are now automatically imbedded into the main DDRS mod. There are some key interactions between the Brand-X UniCap V1 and DD.BH that makes this especially useful.

9. For those that tried DD.Bountyhunter before, and found it too difficult, I have reduced the frequency of MD-equipped NPC ships. Further, the hull damage rate for MDs has been slightly reduced.

10. Both UniCap and D/BH have difficulty settings...so again, please check the read me files. You can also disable all or part if UniCap and DD.BH via the standard Egosoft Artificial Life menu.

11. Be aware that here are an SPK files for both UniCap and DD.BH included in the "/scripts (optional" folder created during the install of DDRS. You can use this to "install/de-install" the scripts entirely. For those "heathen" who don't run DDRS, both UniCap and DD.BH will run in an un-modified game (e.g. DDRS is not required).

12. There are also two new custom start points:

-- Pirate Scum (the Pscum map) will start you off in the same sector as the PHQ, in a fully loaded Cylon Raider Mk2. The Argon, Split, and Paranid hate you...but at least you get a few sectors pre-explored so you can get DDRS missions right away, and you have 25k credits to spend in the bar of your choice.

-- Deadly Mercenary (the DMerc map) will start you off with a fully loaded Wakizashi in PTNI Headquarters with 5 "over-tuned" units of Engine Tuning. You also get an Invicta over in The Hole, pre-loaded with Mk3 Trader software and with pretty much everything you need to start up a sector/galaxy trader. There is also a derelict Kyoto somewhere in the universe map that you can claim (you'll have to fly over to it in your space suit to trigger the capture sequence, as you cannot claim it from your ship via the system override software scripts).

NOTE: If you use a "custom start", the Bala Gi mission(s) will not trigger. This is apparently true for any custom start, not just DDRS.

13. Also, after many requests, this version of DDRS now includes the original RS.TurretDefence V3.15 scripts. It is not outomatically installed, but can be found in SKP format in the "/scripts (optional" folder. It is expressly forbidden that any scripts developed by Red Spot be mirrored or hosted anywhere other than the DDRS site, without his or my written permission.

14. Oh, and finally...there are of course a large number number of bug fixes, texture updates, mesh improvements, etc, etc.


Because I have added new sectors, and a 6th shipyard for the Yaki (which substantially alters the internal data scructures of the mod), a fresh DDRS start is required. You can either start a new game (don't forget the two custom start points mentioned above), or of course you can simply install DDRS 2.5 and load your current "clean" X3 game. By "clean", this means unmodified.

I will of course continue to provide links to the old DDRS 2.4.x versions for those who are not yet ready to start a new game (see the links at the bottom of the page).

Current Downloads:

RAR Archive for 2.5 - Rebalanced
http://www.flatrock.org.nz/wolf/images/ ... d_V2.5.rar
Self-extracting EXE for 2.5 - Rebalanced
http://www.flatrock.org.nz/wolf/images/ ... d_V2.5.exe
NSIS Installer for for 2.5 - Rebalanced
http://www.flatrock.org.nz/wolf/images/ ... nstall.exe


PLEASE CHECK THE README FILES THAT ARE INSTALLED WITH THE MOD! There is important information in there...especially on gameplay.


DDRS is an X3 mod currently available in two versions: Leveled and Rebalanced. You are reading the readme for DDRS Rebalanced. Leveled is closer to the original flavour of DDRS, while Rebalanced features more difficult combat and often extensive changes to ship specs. Both versions of the mod introduce a large and continually expanding fleet of completely new ships of every class and race. DDRS also features five new special shipyards--one belonging to each race--where you can buy the new ships produced by each race. The mod also features the opportunity to earn the Player Headquarters or PHQ, where you can construct and repair your own ships.

===> The Challenge:
Permission to buy the shiny new ships featured in DDRS is NOT freely given, but must be earned ship by ship by successfull completion of specific missions that you can accept from a shadowy figure based in one of the Unknown Sectors. Once you gain access to a new shiptype, you may then purchase it at its owning races' Special Shipyard--if your race reputation allows. Mission difficulty is determined by your combat rank, the current size of your fleet, and the class of ship you're piloting when you accept a mission--with bigger ships triggering tougher missions.

===> DDRS Rebalanced:
The Rebalanced version of DDRS was created with one main purpose in mind...to even further increase combat difficulty. It was also originally created to prevent the unconscious transmission of racial vanilla ship imbalances into the DDRS fleet. For veteran players who are "combat junkies", Rebalanced will provide a refreshingly intense challenge, and will require more careful strategies to ensure success. Most DDRS ships have been "redesigned" in Rebalanced with specialized weapons loadouts that makes them particularly lethal against specific threats. A careful reading of ship descriptions in the readme may be very useful. Changes include:

1.) More Mass Drivers: Many more fighters of most races will now arm with mass drivers. Eliminating these shield-piercer equipped fighters in your own fighter will require flank or rear firing approaches, and more intelligent use of missles to avoid suffering excessive hull damage.

2.) FlakShips: Rebalanced also makes use of many specialized "Radical Departure" ships. These include Flakships, like the Boron Tigerfish Corvette. Armed with only BPAC’s up front, her turrets carry Alpha Flak Arrays. She’s lethal to even large numbers of M4’s and M5’s, is less effective against most M3’s...but she will fall easily to a trio of super-shielded Gorith Heavy Fighters, or against most other M6's.

3.) More Flak Arrays: Many capital ships and TL’s now carry more Flak Arrays...especially in Up, Down, and Back turret positions. Fighters either need to avoid these firing arcs, or altogether avoid flak-heavy ships like Boron’s BaseStar M1. Or neutralize these targets with PPC-equipped hunters. Or use heavily shielded fighters like Gorith as flight leaders to act as "damage sponges" for your other fighters to keep casualties low. Teladi and Boron big ships will now also carry the Antimatter Pulse Cannon (AMPC) for short range (1.2km) fighter defense, when the energy to fully power Flak Arrays runs low. The AMPC is a new energy weapon with shield piercing abilities similar to the MD, and can hit out to 1.2km--but with a lower ROF and muzzle velocity.

4.) CapShip-Hunters: The Paranid Achilles M6 is a good example. Armed with Beta PPC’s, she can hit capital ships from a distance, or make a few close-up passes to obliterate lightly shielded M6’s and M7’s--but is weak against fighters. M1 class CapShip-Hunters like Argon's Odin have the firepower to easily take down M2's and other M1's--but are fairly weak against fighters, and lack the heavier shielding of M2's.

5.) Corvette-Hunters: The Boron Dralthi and Split Outrider M3’s both pack Beta HEPT’s up front, and make great hunters of M6’s and slow M3’s. These M3’s are also very effective against most big ships if you avoid certain firing arcs. M7 class Raiders and the Yaki M7 Naginata Strike Frigate are also good corvette-hunters.

6.) Alien Weaponry: Certain Split vessels, like the Cylon M4 and M3, the Spitting Cobra M6, and the T'loth M2 now have the capacity to use limited amounts of Kha’ak beam weapons and missles. The Kyon emitters are particularly nasty, but are very hard to find. Combat trials at the Rhonkar Testing Institute have shown Alpha Kyons to be extremely effective against light and medium fighters...but considerably less effective than plasma weaponry against most M3’s. The heavy Gamma Kyon is perhaps the best anti-corvette weapon in the galaxy, but is roughly equal to GPPC’s against capital ships.

7.) Intelligent weapon use by AI: Rebalanced uses special weapon loading scripts that cause NPC ships to spawn with an optimum selection of weapon types, and then intelligently use what they’ve got. For example, a Boron Grendel M2 can and will load BFlaks at most hardpoints when engaging fighters, but will then switch to GPPC’s to engage capital ships. Another example is that most M3's will use MD's against other fighters, then switch to AHEPT's when attacking corvettes or larger. Also, mission-generated aggressors will spawn with full engine and rudder tunings, to give you a full appreciation of their effectiveness.

8.) Better Quality, Higher Price: most Rebalanced ships are qualitatively superior to their vanilla counterparts. But that quality will come at a higher price. It's up to you to decide which Rebalanced ships are worth their cost. There may be a few bargains out there, but in general you'll get what you pay for.

9.) Hybrids: Many ships in Rebalanced are "hybrids" that combine qualities of more than one class to create ships to suit every playing style and fill every need. There are M1/M2, M2/M1, M2/M7, TL/M1, TL/M2, TS/M6, TP/M3...and others. Need a fast TP that can outfight many M3’s? Then try the Geococcus TP. Need a tough UT that doesn’t get wasted by the first pirate patrol? Then try the Electra SuperFreighter. Want a TL that can carry an entire fighter squadron and maximum cargo? Try the Roger Young...if you can afford her. Want an M1 that can hold her own against an M2? Then then the Teladi ISD is for you!

10.) New Weapon: Deadly Da’s new Antimatter Pulse Cannon (AMPC), which is the Boron and Teladi answer to the Argon/Split mass driver. Unlike the MD, the AMPC is a heavy, turret mounted energy weapon with a range of 1.2km that has good shield-piercing abilities. Most DDRS Boron and Teladi M7 or larger, as well as a few M6's, can now equip with the AMPC, which uses the BPAC projectile animation. The AMPC has a lower projectile speed and rate of fire than MD, but does much more damage per projectile. Equipped NPC Boron/Teladi ships will use AMPC's against enemy fighters when they are within 1.2km, when lacking power for their Flak arrays.

===> New Challenges in Rebalanced:
DDRS Rebalanced missions are considerably tougher than those in DDRS Leveled. During Betatesting we experimented with different difficulty levels, and decided on what we've got to provide experienced players more combat challenge without overwhelming novice players. For example, it's now extremely difficult--if not impossible--to take out most capital ships, or even an M6 or M7 Flakship in a lone M3. Wingmen are now much more important, even crucial, especially in higher level missions. Use of missles by ships of all classes is much more important--so now may be the time to buy that Thunderbolt or Typhoon fab! While we've slightly reduced the number of NPC fighters carrying MD's, having some form of hull repair technology handy during long missions can be very useful. The "radical variation" ships are often very good in only one area--but suck in others. So building up a diverse fleet when money allows can be a good idea. So if you have an "assassinate the CapShip" mission, you could use Flakships--or an MD-armed M4 squadron--to draw away and eliminate its fighter escorts, then jump into a CapShip-Hunter M6 or M7 to finish off the primary target. If you still think a specific mission is too easy, then reload, but pilot a larger (combat) ship when you accept a mission.

===> Want to know more?:
This announcement contains screenshots and descriptions of the ships, and download links for the mod.

However, if you intend to play DDRS Rebalance please at least skim through the readme file that comes with the mod. It has additional information on obtaining DDRS missions, mod installation and upgrade instructions, how to earn and operate the player HQ shipyard, a few mod cheat scripts--and more.

New with version 2.4 is the addition of optional scripts. These are in SPK format (so you will need Cycrow's Script Installer), and can be found in the "/scripts (optional)" folder of your root X3 directory. Currently there are three scripts; a one-time "Jump Start" script for those players who have had to abandon their old DDRS empire in order to install 2.4, a DDRS version of STM Race Invasions (uses DDRS ships...thanks Marc!), and the new DD Bountyhunters script. There are readme files in the script packages.

NOTE: If you chose to install the Jump Start, you will experience a short pause about 5 minutes into the game...after which you will get three incoming messages in your log file. The pause is normal...don't panic! Depending on your response to these messages, you can get extra credits, a DDRS Player HQ, and some ships.

===> Please Let Us Know!:
Feedback is very important to us. So if a mission is too hard--or too easy--please let us know. If a ship is too expensive--or too cheap, or if it unbalances the mod in any way--please let us know. If you discover or develop a killer new tactical mission solution that unbalances the game--let us know (and brag a little!). Similarly, if there are any new "radical variation" ship concepts you'd like to see flying around in your game, then speak up. There are more Rebalanced ships in the pipeline that will be released as they're ready. These will include more M7's, and ships of almost every other class. We hope you enjoy playing DDRS Rebalanced as much as we have.

Ship Types:

(I had to remove the images since it was apparently putting me over the limit for a singel post. You can see the pox in the original DDRS thread...and if nothing else, this should finally motiate me to take a break from modding and finish off my website.)

M5 (Venom), Sold By: Split - The Split Venom has speed somewhat below that of Jaguar Raider--but 3MJ shields, making her much hardier in combat. Able to carry many missile types, including the deadly Silkworm and Thunderbolt, the Venom also carries rapid firing Impulse Ray Emitters with weapons generators comparable to most Jaguar variants. More importantly, the Venom is able equip the excellent Boron Triplex Scanner, many of which were captured in the last war. A new scout for a new era, it is widely expected that the Venom will be formally announced by the Split Naval Command as the official replacement for the Jaguar class.

M5 (Tie Interceptor), Sold By: Paranid - The Paranid TIE Interceptor is a strongly offense-oriented design whose function is to catch--and kill--enemy light and medium fighters with energy weaponry. Capable of mounting up to four Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannons, the TIE Interceptor has the largest weapons generators and capacitators of any M5 ship. All of this offensive muscle comes at the price of greatly diminished cargo capacity, however, and TIE Interceptor can only carry the small Duplex Scanner, and a very limited missile inventory. Her small cargo hold also limits her capacity for long-range scouting--something the older Pegasus class excels at. Expensive compared to the weaker but more versatile Pegasus variants, it is not known how widely this new scout hunter will be adopted within the Paranid armed forces.

M5 (A-Wing), Sold By: Teladi - The Teladi A-Wing represents a revolutionary shift in Teladi scout ship design, and is the first Teladi scout to be purpose-built around the deadly Split Mass Driver weapon. With intentionally weak weapons generators, A-Wing carries up to three mass drivers, and has cargo for ample ammunition. A-Wing has 5MJ shielding--considered normal for most Teladi scouts. She also has a superb shield generator, and speed greater than all Harrier variants except Harrier Raider. Her only real weakness is her price, considerably more than Harrier"s. When fully equipped with costly Mass Drivers, the A-Wing is a very expensive scout ship indeed. While many military analysts view this new ship as a lighter, faster--and cheaper--Teladi throw-away version of the Split Scorpion medium fighter, it is not known whether Teladi Space Command will consider her considerable offensive power worth the cost.

M5 (Valkyrie), Sold By: Argon - The Argon Valkyrie is a strongly defensive scout design. With 10MJ of shielding, an adequate shield generator, and the strongest hull armor of any known M5 scout ship, the Valkyrie has only a two weapon frontal hardpoint--half the size of most other scout craft. This handicap is somewhat offset by her ability to carry particle weapons, including the heavy Beta PAC, as well as the potent Silkworm and Hornet missiles. However, her weapons are powered at levels far below most variants of the Discoverer class. Designed to endure punishment, not to dish it out, the Valkyrie's purpose is to infiltrate enemy formations..and survive long enough to transmit tracking telemetry. Criticized for her relative slowness compared to other M5"s, which makes her vulnerable to interception and destruction by faster M5"s, Valkyrie can rely on her much heavier shielding to even the odds.

M5 (Hunter) Sold By: Boron - The Boron Hunter represents the logical evolution of the older Octopus class. With the 3MJ shielding of an Octopus Sentinel, and speed slightly over that of Octopus Vanguard, Hunter is able to carry many missile types, including the deadly Silkworm and Thunderbolt. Her primary armament is a bank of rapid firing Impulse Ray Emitters, powered with a weapons generator slightly smaller than Octopus Vanguard"s. Hunter has a significantly roomier cargo bay than variants of the Octopus class, which enables her to carry more missiles, and equip the excellent Boron Triplex Scanner.

M5 (Shuriken) Sold By: Yaki - The Shuriken Light Fighter is a lethal new creation of the pirate faction known as the Yaki. More accurately classified as an M5+, or an M5/M4 hybrid, the Shuriken's true place lies somewhere between the two classes. While able to use the Yaki's still secret Shield Amplification technology, Shuriken is not as well shielded as the older Raijin M5 variants, but does have a superior shield generator. And unlike the ultra-defensive Raijins, the Shuriken has amazing offensive power, mounting the equivalent of eight rapid-firing Alpha Impulse Emitters powered with weapons generators over twice as large, making her very dangerous to most M5 and M4 opponents. Shuriken's hull is roughly twice as tough as the M5 galactic average, and combined with her other capabilities makes her arguably the most lethal M5 class craft ever created.


M4 (Y-Wing) Sold By: Teladi - The Teladi Y-Wing represents a serious qualitative improvement over the aging Buzzard. The Y-Wing's excellent speed and superior shield and weapons generators more than compensate for her reduced shielding, which is 25% below most Buzzard variants. While still not as fast as the raider variants of many M4 craft of other races, the Y-Wing's superior performance and increased missile capabilities represent a giant leap forward in Teladi medium fighter design. Rumors exist that pirate intelligence operatives recently stole the schematics of the production release Y-Wing. If true, this news could spell serious trouble for the merchant fleets and navies of all five races.

M4 (Banshee) Sold By: Boron - Boron's ingenious answer to the deadly Split Scorpion mass driver-armed fighter--the Boron Banshee represents a fairly radical but economical design attempt to "out-Split the Split" by creating a new M4 purpose-built around Mass Driver weaponry. Banshee's tiny weapons powerplant thus enables her to incorporate correspondingly larger thrusters and shield housings. Lacking heavier particle weaponry capable of damaging large ship hulls, Banshee is designed exclusively to hunt lighter hulled enemy medium to heavy fighters with mass driver weaponry and the deadly Thunderbolt missile.

M4 (Tie Defender) Sold By: Paranid - Aptly named because of her heavy 25MJ shielding--the heaviest in a non-Yaki M4, the Paranid Tie Defender shares some of the alien design features of the Teladi Darkship, and features the same revolutionary storage capacitator technology. This gives her a weapons charge closer to that of a much larger M3 class fighter. The combination of heavy shielding and large weapons charge makes the Tie Defender a potent adversary. With speed just below that of the Pericles vanguard, and shield regeneration and laser recharge rates below the rest of the Pericles class, the Tie Defender also suffers from a smaller cargo hold and a high price tag.

M4 (X-Wing), Sold By: Split - The X-Wing design with its hardpoints capable of mounting heavy plasma weaponry, is an ancient design modified for use by the Split as a sort of "pocket M3". With enormous laser charge capacitators--comparable to most M3"s--they are capable of dishing out large amounts of damage against slower M3's and heavier craft, while using their superior speed and handling to evade damage. A purely offensive design, the X-Wing is not designed to withstand punishment, but to hit hard with heavy energy weapons--then evade. While equipped with only four fixed frontal weapons hardpoints--unlike the usual six found in Scorpion class fighters, the X-Wing's ability to mount the deadly Thunderbolt missile, her phenomenal laser charge capacity, and an extra 5MJ shield slot more than compensate.

M4 (Mjollnir), Sold By: Argon - The Mjollnir is a strongly defensive design, whose slow speed is balanced by strong shielding and exceptionally strong hull armor. She furthermore possess excellent handling and a large shield generator. Clearly superior in every aspect to the Buster Sentinel, which she was designed to replace, Mjollnir is moderately priced and also equipped to carry the lethal Hornet missile.

M4 (Cylon Raider MK1), Sold By: Split - While somewhat faster than the M3 class Cylon heavy fighters they are designed to escort, the M4 class Cylon fighters possess robust weapons generators, and are also capable of using limited amounts of alien weaponry--including the deadly (but hard to find) Kha"ak Alpha kyon emitter. Among the more heavily shielded M4"s, the Cylon Raider mk1 has a relatively weak shield generator--albeit superior to those of the Scorpion class, and so is not capable of rapidly refreshing heavy shield drainage. While unable to mount the heavy plasma weaponry of the Scorpion class, the Cylon M4 has the speed of a Scorpion vanguard, while possessing shielding slightly superior to the sentinel model.

M4 (Starfury) Sold By: Paranid - The Paranid Starfury Medium Fighter is a high performance M4/M3 hybrid primarily geared as an interceptor with some heavy missile capabilities. Her primary armament is a pair of frontal gatling turbo Alpha Particle Accelerators, with total output comparable to eight of these weapons. These weapons which lack the punch of heavier Alpha Plasma Throwers--but more than compensate in superior muzzle velocity and rate of fire, which are 77% and 35% higher, respectively. This means that an agile Starfury is far more effective at actually hitting a fast-moving fighter than a heavier M3 class ship, and has the weapons power generation to sustain punishment to her target. Starfury also sports a light back turret--the first in an M4 fighter--for missile defense, and can equip heavier missile varieties usually found only in M3 class or larger. A dangerous fighter for dangerous times, the Starfury is set to become the new standard by which all other M4's are judged.

M4 (Sai), Sold By: Yaki - The Sai Medium Fighter is a revolutionary new design of the pirate faction known as the Yaki, created to defeat any and all other M4's in existence. Sai is a "heavy" M4, perhaps better described as an M4/M3 hybrid. Using the Yaki's still secret Shield Amplification technology, the Sai is able to generate effective shield strength more than double the M4 galactic average. Her hull strength is equivalent to most conventional M4's, but her defensive capabilities are strongly augmented by the addition of a light back turret, suitable for anti-missle defense or keeping lightly shielded M4's and M5's off her six. Offensively, she carries six forward firing Bata Particle Accelerators powered by weapons generators larger than most M4's, but smaller than an M3's. Carrying an expanded selection of missles, her combined offensive and defensive strengths make her a truly fearsome adversary, and a worthy replacement for the older Raijin Interceptor M4.


M3 (Thor) Sold By: Argon - Thor represents the logical evolution of the combat-tested Nova class. With speed a fraction greater than a Nova raider, and greatly enhanced hull armor, Thor packs a powerplant nearly as big as a Nova vanguard, and mounts an additional turret for greater non-frontal arc defense. A Mercenaries Guild "best buy" for value.

M3 (YT-2400 "Outrider") Sold By: Split - Outrider is a Very Heavy Fighter that represents Split Space Command's controversial attempt to depart from current Split design philosophy and create an M3/M6 hybrid--with what many view as unsatisfactory results. Slower than the Dragon M6 that she was supposed to accompany, the Outrider is nearly as expensive. And while Outrider mounts the deadly Beta HEPT frontally in the toughest hull of any M3 ever built, her laser charge/recharge is less than half Dragon"s. Relying on her twin turrets and heavy shielding to keep enemy fighters at bay, Outrider's slowness makes her vulnerable to enemy interceptors, so she will require friendly fighter protection to be able to fully concentrate on her main prey--enemy corvettes and capital ships.

M3 (Dralthi) Sold By: Boron - Dralthi mk3 is The Boron's attempt to catch up with M3 designs of other races, most notably the Argon and Split. She is slightly faster than the Barracuda raider, but has the 50MJ shielding of a Barracuda vanguard. While her powerplant--large compared to the Barracuda class--is still smaller than M3's of most other races, she mounts a dual PAC rear turret, the first of any Boron M3. Dralthi's main armament are lethal Beta HEPT's and the Typhoon missile--normally only found on M6's or larger--making her an extreme threat to much larger combat vessels. It is for hunting Split "big game" that Dralthi was conceived as part of the Boron Navy's new Strategic Policy Initiative. While Boron "Tigerfish" corvettes and "Banshee" medium fighters eliminate the Split fleet's fighter umbrella, Dralthi mk3 heavy fighters will kill its' corvettes and assist with the destruction of its' capital ships.

M3 (B-Wing) Sold By: Paranid - B-wing is almost as fast as the Perseus Raider, but has enhanced 75MJ shielding and a powerplant--both laser and shield--more than 10% greater in output than that of the raider. Despite a very light rear turret weaker to those found in all other Perseus variants, B-Wing can mount both MD's and BPBE"s, weapons heretofore unavailable to Paranid fighters. And her greatly expanded cargo hold means that B-Wing is the first Paranid heavy fighter type capable of carrying the supplies necessary for independent action away from the comfort of a nearby carrier.

M3 (Darkship) Sold By: Teladi - More forward thinking designers within the Teladi High Command, tired of slow tubs incapable of catching enemy fighters, have in the Darkship design moved strongly towards the Paranid fighter ethos. Darkship is now the fastest 75MJ-shielded M3 in the galaxy, nearly 40 m/s faster than the Nova Raider, and over 25 m/s faster than the Kha"ak fighter. But Darkship, with roughly 90% of Nova Raider's powerplant, lacks Nova's hull strength, cargo capacity and rudder, and has only a very light rear turret. Relying on a fairly new alien technology, Darkship's laser charge banks have the largest capacity of any M3 currently in existence. Sacrificing much cargo space and some hull strength, Darkship's superior speed, shielding, expanded weapon options and laser charge make her an excellent--if somewhat controversial--"boom and zoom" attack M3.

M3 (Gorith) Sold By: Teladi - A controversial design within Teladi military circles partly because of her weak rear turret, Gorith represents the final development of the mega-shielded Falcon Sentinel design concept--the only other M3 fighter with 250MJ of shielding. Fairly lackluster in both her speed and her offensive damage output, she is the ultimate "damage sponge". Gorith's incredible shielding and powerful shield generator--nearly half the size of a corvettes"--enables her to "keep on flying, while other M3's are dying". With speed inferior to Falcon vanguard, Gorith has the best rudder control of any Teladi M3. She utilizes the vanguard's excellent laser generator, but has only half the cargo space of most Falcon class M3's.

M3 (Cylon Raider MK2), Sold By: Split - Cylon Raider mk2 gives the Split the only M3 in existence with speed greater than some M4"s. Slightly faster than Mamba raider, and sporting Raider's rear Mass Driver turret, the Cylon's superior shielding and improved powerplant make her the premier new Split M3 raider. Her alien origins make Cylon Raider the only M3 able to mount both Pulsed Beam Emitters and hard to find Kha"ak Alpha-Kyons, as well as use Kha"ak missile varieties. The Cylon Heavy fighter is the now the galaxy's ultimate exotic fast attack, "boom and zoom" M3.


M3+ (Wakizashi) Sold By: Yaki - The Wakizashi is a dangerous new Very Heavy Fighter design of the criminal faction known as the Yaki. The Wakizashi was created to replace the disappointing Yaki Susanowa M3 variants, that while fairly fast, were undergunned and undershielded for Yaki craft. Utilizing the Yaki's still secret Shield Amplification technology, this new VHF can project effective shield strength of more than double the galactic M3 average, and is superior to all of the new M3+ designs as well. Her amazing shield strength, coupled with excellent speed, strong hull armoring, and fore and aft defensive turrets, endow the Wakizashi with truly superlative defensive capabilities. Offensively, she can mount a dangerous array of energy weapons and advanced missle varieties--including some Kha'ak weaponry--but suffers from comparatively weak weapons generators. Combined with other drawbacks like her high price, relatively sluggish helm and poor acceleration, this design--while powerful--is not the perfect VHF.


M6 (Tigerfish) Sold By: Boron - The Tigerfish is the galaxy's first flak corvette--another of the innovative new designs coming out of the Boron High Command's Strategic Policy Initiative. Stung by their defeats at the hands of the Split in the last war, the Boron vowed--never again--to face such humiliation. The Tigerfish was designed specifically to hunt Split mass driver-armed Mambas and Scorpions with her deadly turret-mounted Alpha Flak weapons. Capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously, a Tigerfish's turrets can devastate Split fighter formations, and should be fairly effective against weakly shielded M6's as well. The Tigerfish, with little frontal-arc weaponry, is not designed to hunt bigger prey, and will fare poorly in combat against M7 class targets or larger. Her only real weakness is the incredible power drain of her Flak cannons. For this reason, Tigerfish are advised not to engage too many enemy targets at once, lest they "bite off more than they can chew".

M6 (Achilles Gunboat) Sold By: Paranid - The Achilles is a controversial but extremely powerful design of the Paranid produced to eventually replace the aging Nemesis. Achilles is purpose-built around a battery of enormous, frontally mounted Beta-PPC"s, the only M6 class ship ever constructed to mount weapons of this size. Designed primarily as a "Flakship-hunter" and for hunting capital ships, Achilles can engage slow-moving targets at extreme ranges with her powerful Photon Pulse weapons. Primarily designed for offensive action, Achilles relies for defense on extremely powerful shielding coupled with her speed. Extremely vulnerable to attack by enemy fighters, she mounts only the light MR-60 and MR-62 turrets--which offer little protection against medium and heavy fighters. Her shield generator is also weak, as is her hull plating, both of which are considerably below galactic average. A deadly and unusual ship, enemy fighters are this ships" "Achilles Heel".

M6 (Spitting Cobra) Sold By: Split - The Spitting Cobra corvette--usually shortened to just "Cobra" by Rhonkar Combat Testing Institute staffers--is a truly revolutionary design that improves little over the performance and handling of the venerable Dragon class, but incorporates the mounting of radical new weaponry and weapons combinations that puts the Cobra into a class of her own. Like some of the other new fighter models rolling off Split assembly yards, the Cobra is capable of mounting deadly Kha"ak kyon beam weaponry in many hardpoints. She can also mount twin Alpha Flak weapons in her rear turret, which makes attacking her aft firing arc extremely dangerous. She also has left and right light flak turrets inspired by a modern Paranid design. These light flak turrets can mount either paired Alpha-Kyons or mass drivers, and will keep missiles and light fighters off Cobra's flanks. While most performance parameters of this new ship are little improved over Dragon"s, the Spitting Cobra's exotic and potent weapons package will more than compensate.

M6 (Trident) Sold By: Teladi - The Teladi Trident is a qualitative improvement over the older Osprey. Strongly shielded, thickly armored, and well-armed, the highly maneuverable Trident will be a welcome addition to the Teladi space fleet.

M6 (Ranger) Sold By: Argon - Argon shipwrights, recognizing that the Centaur is becoming increasingly obsolete in today's battlefields, have created the Argon Ranger. Built with cutting edge energy generation technology, and lightweight fibro-ceramic hull armor, the Ranger has considerably improved speed and handling, and possesses enhanced shield and weapons generators. Ranger also utilizes the new TR-86 double corvette turret at all three of her turret hardpoints, giving her substantially improved defensive capabilities over Centaur, and can frontally mount long range Alpha PPC's for use against capital ships. And with a price just slightly higher than Centaur's, it's a certainty that the more lethal Ranger will become the new darling of Argon Space Command.


M7 (Naginata) Sold By: Split - The pirate faction known as the Yaki have dramatically increased their offensive capabilities with the appearance of their new "Naginata" Strike Frigate. A multifunction craft, the Naginata seems particularly geared towards destruction of sector defense corvettes--which have proved particularly troublesome to Yaki fighter raids. To this end the Naginata is armed with a fixed-frontal battery of Beta PPC's, along with three twin BPPC turrets, and a single quad Beta HEPT turret. Four twin PAC turrets provide anti-fighter defense. Virtually every hardpoint can mount multiple differing weapons systems, allowing a Naginata to mount BPPC's when engaging capital ships, or Gamma-kyon emitters for engaging frigates, or PSG's or light energy weapons for dealing with fighters. Fast, well-shielded, and well-armed, the Yaki Naginata is force to be reckoned with.


M2 (Grendel) Sold By: Boron - The Boron Grendel represents a fundamental strategic shift by the Boron High Command eager to counter the naval strategies of their arch-rivals the Split. Dubbed by some naval designers an "M2/M7 hybrid" Grendel packs nearly the same firepower as a Split Python but is 50% faster. And with her simplified modular construction costing about half that of Python, it is anticipated that 4 Grendels should handily outmaneuver and defeat two Pythons--potentially making Grendel the most cost-effective new M2 in the galaxy. The Grendel, the fastest M2 in existence, is ideal for hunting and destroying enemy carriers--a task impossible for the slower Ray, and M2's of most other races. Grendel is also far more maneuverable than the aging Ray, and while she mounts only 24 heavy lasers to Ray's 40, she has been fitted to mount the powerful Beta Flak Cannon at most hardpoints, giving her far superior anti-fighter capabilities. Perhaps her only flaw is her relatively small front turret--smaller than a standard M2"s--which makes her exceedingly vulnerable on a frontal approach in a one-on-one capital ship duel.

M2 (Narcissus) Sold By: Teladi - The most heavily shielded M2 in the galaxy and the ultimate embodiment of the Teladi shield-intensive design ethos, with a massive 15GJ of shielding, the Teladi Narcissus is slightly slower than the Phoenix class she will replace. Narcissus also has the most powerful laser charge capacitators of any known M2, enabling her to obliterate 2 or even 3 enemy cruisers before depletion. She also mounts a total of 42 heavy lasers to Phoenix's 36--and has been fitted to mount the powerful Alpha and Beta Flak Cannons at many hardpoints, giving her enhanced anti-fighter capabilities. Narcissus was designed for one objective only--to survive large-scale capital ship engagements, where her vastly superior shielding strength and weapons energy storage will enable her to survive enemy fire---while inflicting fatal damage in return. Narcissus is now also the most expensive M2 in operation, costing nearly twice the cost of the obsolescent Phoenix, and will place considerable strain on the Teladi treasury.

M2 (T'Loth) Sold By: Split - With less shielding than the Python class she was designed to replace, T'loth has superior speed, handling and power generation capabilities to Python--including the most powerful laser recharge generators of any M2 in existence. T"loth also mounts an impressive 40 heavy lasers to Python's 28, and has been fitted to mount the powerful Beta Flak Cannon at most hardpoints, giving her far superior anti-fighter capabilities. Also designed to carry a wing of the new Outrider very heavy fighters (VHF) into battle, it is hoped T'loth's superior speed, hull strength and heavy weaponry will give her a decisive edge in capital ship engagements and more than compensate for her relatively weak shield strength.

M2 (Nebulon-B) Sold By: Paranid - The Paranid Nebulon-B is an unusual new design that enables Paranid commanders to bring more heavy fighters to the battlefields of the future. In addition to her large fighter hangar, she has superior speed, handling and power generation capabilities to the Oddysseus class, all at considerably lower cost. And while Nebulon-B mounts only 32 heavy lasers to Odysseus's 40, she has been fitted to mount the powerful Beta Flak Cannon at nearly every hardpoint, giving her far superior anti-fighter capabilities. Perhaps most importantly, she is equipped to mount the deadly Gamma PPC in her front turret, giving her a serious edge over the Oddy in frontal approach capital ship engagements.

M2 (Omega B5) Sold By: Argon - With an additional 1GJ of shielding and speed nearly 10% faster than the aging Titan design, the Omega 5 is also slightly more maneuverable and mounts 44 heavy lasers to Titan's 40. Perhaps more importantly, Omega mounts heavy Gamma Pulse Cannons in a completely redesigned front turret that will give her a serious edge in fleet actions over Titan's inferior frontal Beta PPC capability. Affordably priced, Omega also possesses improved shield and weapons generators over Titan, but suffers from hull integrity 23% lower than Titan's due to structural weaknesses inherent in her revolutionary new rotating crew quarters.


M1 (G'Quan) Sold By: Paranid - The Paranid G"Quan is a strong qualitative improvement over the older Zeus design, with 1GJ more shielding, superior speed, and superior handling and power generation capabilities. All at a slightly decreased cost, due to her modular hull structure. She mounts 24 heavy lasers to Zeus's 20, and has been fitted to mount the powerful Beta Flak Cannon at nearly all hardpoints, giving her incredible anti-fighter capabilities. Although she carries fewer Gamma PPC's than her predecessor, the G'Quan carries them where it counts--in her front and rear turrets--giving her superior combat performance over the Zeus in one-on-one head-on or pursuit carrier engagements.

M1 (Sulaco) Sold By: Split - The Split Sulaco, with 1GJ less shielding and able to carry 30% less fighters in her hangar than Raptor, has 26 heavy lasers to Raptor's 20. Her weaponry, concentrated in her frontal firing arc effectively makes Sulaco a CapitalShip-hunter, a type of M1/M2 hybrid. With appropriate fighter and corvette cover to distract her prey and screen her approach, a Sulaco can destroy any M2 in existence with her heavy weaponry and powerful laser capacitor charge, or obliterate enemy fighter wings with her Flak cannons. With speed slightly faster than Raptor"s, the Sulaco is now the fastest carrier in the galaxy, and will be able to run from any engagement that her weak shielding cannot withstand.

M1 (Odin) Sold By: Argon - The Odin is an M1/M2 hybrid designed to hunt and kill carriers and heavy cruisers. Her speed is nearly 20% faster than the older Colossus design--over 50% faster than the new Omega 5 cruiser, and she mounts 30 heavy lasers to Colossus's 20. With considerable hull volume required to carry her greatly improved shield and weapons generators, she can only carry 40 fighters--to Colossus's 60. Odin's hull integrity is slightly lower than Colossus's due to her dispersed hull structure, but she is also capable of mounting the deadly Alpha Flak Cannon at most hardpoints.

M1 (ISD) Sold by: Teladi - Staying true to Teladi design priorities, the Imperator-class Star Destroyer (ISD) is now the most heavily shielded M1 fleet carrier in the galaxy, more heavily shielded than most M2"s, but is somewhat slower than the Condor class she will eventually replace. But unlike the somewhat conventional Condor, the ISD Narcissus is also armed like an M2 with 30 heavy lasers. While her laser charge capacitators are the largest of any known M1 carrier, and will provide her enough energy to destroy one and possibly a second enemy cruiser before depletion, they are not designed to enable her to survive for long in the main line of battle. Nor is her weaponry primarily designed to combat lighter adversaries, like corvettes and fighters. The ISD is now also the most expensive M1 in the galaxy, costing nearly twice the cost of the aging Condor. And with hangar space for only 40 fighters, the ISD has been dubbed "a carrier pretending to be a battleship".

M1 (Base Star) Sold by: Boron - The Boron Base Star is another fundamentally radical design that reflects the strategic shift in the Boron High Command's new approach to countering the tactical successes of their arch-rivals the Split in the last Galactic War. The Base Star design is strongly defensive in nature. She is the most highly maneuverable capital ship ever built due to her experimental alien thruster technology, which gives her the ability--when properly helmed--of easily evading incoming enemy Photon Pulse fire. Slightly slower than the Shark, Base Star has 2GJ more shielding and roughly 10% more hull integrity, and mounts 32 heavy lasers to Shark's 20. She mounts the powerful Beta Flak Cannon at every single hardpoint, giving her spectacular anti-fighter capabilities--and making her virtually invulnerable to non-Capital ship attackers that come within range. She can mount the heavy Gamma PPC cannon--but only in her rear turret, to neutralize any capital ships that dare pursue her. With only Alpha PPC capabilities at her other hardpoints, the Base Star lacks the ability to effectively damage enemy capital ships that she cannot keep in her stern firing arc. Her hangar is slightly smaller than Shark"s, but her price is considerably higher, making her a very expensive (if valuable), addition to the Boron Fleet.

M1 (Vindicator) Sold By: Teladi - The Teladi Vindicator is the newest addition to the Teladi fleet, and finally provides the Teladi Corporation with a Fleet Carrier worthy of the name. Able to carry more fighters into battle than any other carrier currently in existence, Vindicator balances out the long-standing Teladi inadequacy in their hitherto modest fleet hangar capacity. Slightly faster than the Condor class, she also possesses slightly superior shielding and weapons generators. But she is inferior in terms of both her armament, hull strength, and hefty price tag--which is roughly double Condor's. Whatever her weaknesses as a ship might be, her large hangar will no doubt more than compensate in the eyes of Teladi field commanders.


TL (Roger Young) Sold By: Boron - The Boron "Roger Young" class Heavy Transporter is a new Boron design of suspected alien origin. Extremely affordable for a TL class vessel, the Roger Young emphasizes speed and cargo capacity above all else. Accordingly, her shielding, armament, hangar size, and hull integrity are all below galactic average. Her main defense is speed, thus her limited anti-fighter weaponry, and modest fighter complement and shielding are theoretically adequate only for neutralizing the medium and light fighters capable of catching her. Another product of the Boron Strategic Policy Initiative, the intentional affordability of the Roger Young class is for furthering colonization and development of the Boron New Colonies in the galactic south and east.

TL (NuuBari "Raven") Sold By: Teladi - A recently discovered alien design, the Nuubari - which roughly translates into Teladi as "Raven" - is the largest Station Construction Transporter in the galaxy - and the most expensive. A massive ship, with an enormous cargo hold and huge internal hangar, the Nuubari is also well-shielded and structurally very tough. Not particularly fast for a TL class vessel, she's also not very manueverable or well-armed. Her armament and weapons generators are designed exclusively for defense against fighters and weaker corvettes. Her capacious hangar can carry more than half the fighter complement of a Teladi carrier, making her a de facto auxiliary fleet carrier, and provides her with a formidable defensive screen when needed.

TL (Hulk) Sold By: Split - Slow, tough-hulled, well-shielded, and heavily armed--the Hulk is an "TL/M2 hybrid" created to transport valuable military cargo into enemy--or pirate-infested territory. With weapons generators and capacitators half the size of an M1, the Hulk mounts both Flak cannons for fighter defense and deadly Photon Pulse weaponry for use against larger targets. Hulk can carry only five fighter craft--less than half Elephant's capacity. Quite expensive compared to other TL"s, the Hulk is a specialized ship designed to survive in combat intensive environments.

TL (Cetus Mk2) Sold by: Argon - With a speed faster than most pirate heavy fighters--and nearly 50% faster than the aging Mammoth, the Cetus mk2 sacrifices only 9k of cargo space. With superior weapons and shield generators, and the capacity to finally mount the deadly Alpha Flak Cannon, the Cetus can use her speed to evade pirate heavy fighters and most corvettes--and obliterate any lighter fighters foolish enough to engage her. Her new modular hull design is somewhat weaker than Mammoth"s, but it and her energy efficient components make her quite affordable, and a proud if not particularly attractive new addition to the Argon fleet.

TL (Acheron TL) Sold by: Paranid - Long impressed with the Split Elephant TL design, the Paranid High Council decided to create their own version of a light carrier/TL hybrid--and designed the Acheron. With nearly half the fighter complement of a Zeus class carrier, the Acheron is nearly 30m/s faster, can carry 36k cargo, and costs less than half as much. But Acheron possesses only a sixth of a Zeus's shielding, and 40% of her hull armoring, and lacks Zeus's heavy armament. Compared to the Split Elephant, Acheron is 16% slower, but possesses 60% more shielding, comparable weapons generators, comparable cargo space, two more dual turrets, and a hangar 35% larger. However, Acheron's shield generator is clearly inferior to Elephant"s, and her cost is nearly double. But unlike Elephant, the Acheron can mount devastating Flak cannons in many hardpoints for fighter defense. The Paranid navy has long been accustomed to paying more for quality warships, and the Acheron TL/Carrier hybrid is no different.

TL (Kyoto Mobile Pirate Base) Sold by: Yaki - The Kyoto class Mobile Pirate Base is a Very Light Carrier design used almost exclusively by the pirate faction known as the Yaki. Capable of carrying up to 22 fighters on raids, a Kyoto class mothership possesses the speed to outrun enemy capital ships, along with the shielding and weaponry to destroy any fast corvettes and fighters capable of catching her. Effectively vulnerable only to a massed fighter attack when properly piloted, the Kyoto class are perfect offensive platforms for the guerilla style hit-and-run operations practiced by the nomadic Yaki corsairs.


TP (Koi) Sold By: Boron - The Boron Koi was originally produced as an ultra-fast courier ship for highly perishable and extremely valuable bio-organisms, which include new strains of commercial plankton and Stott fermenters. These bio-organisms, created at Boron's network of secret Bioresearch facilities in the Core Systems, located in deep space far from jump gates, need rapid transport to Boron agricultural fabs at speeds not possible with the aging Manta transporter. The competitively priced Koi amply fills this need, and is now by far the fastest commercial TP on the galactic market. Carrying somewhat less cargo than the Manta Hauler, the Koi is lightly shielded, relying on her incredible speed to outrun most potential foes, but carries a single mass driver turret for missile defense and fending off light assailants. Best employed in fairly secure sectors, the Boron Koi is set to become the new galactic standard for high speed passenger and cargo transport.

TP (YT-1300 "Geococcus") Sold By: Split - Long a favorite of corporate couriers and pirate smugglers, the Geococcyx is based on the YT-1300, an ancient design from a galaxy far, far away that perfectly adapts itself with contemporary ship component technology to the shipping needs and challenges of today's galaxy. Whether for transporting very, very important passengers, or more, er.."specialized" cargoes, if you want it there safe and on time through hostile territory---the YT-1300 is your ship. Nearly the fastest, and certainly the most maneuverable, the best well-armed, and the best shielded TP on the market, the YT-1300 is a very expensive ship for very demanding missions. Costing as much as an M3 heavy fighter--or several Iguana"s, the YT-1300 can outrun most heavy and many medium fighters. And with her fixed armament and two quadruple turrets, she is capable--when properly piloted--of defeating even multiple light or medium fighter attackers. Used almost exclusively by the Split Clandestine Services, a limited number of these excellent ships are now available for commercial purchase.

TP (Basilisk) Sold By: Argon, Paranid - A new and original TP class ship, it is clearly designed for use by smugglers and pirates. Two very similar variations of this heavily-armed TP class ship are produced and sold at the special shipyards of the Argon and Paranid.

TP (Chukker) Sold By: Teladi - A recently developed alternative to the aging Toucan, the Chukker can carry significant cargo in addition to providing luxurious passenger accommodations. In response to the increased levels of piracy, the Teladi have increased the speed of this ship, strengthened the hull, as well as upgrading the weapon system to support a dual-laser rear turret.

TP (Amataresu) Sold By: Yaki - The Amateresu, named after a mythical Terran goddess, is the passenger transport of the criminal faction known as the Yaki. The Amateresu is fast, well-shielded, and fairly well armed, with a rear turret and superior missle capabilities, including Kha'ak varieties. Utilizing the Yaki's still secret Shield Amplification technology, this new TP can project effective shield strength greater than most other TP's currently in existence. Her main shortcomings are her small cargo hold, and her moderately high price. The Yaki primarily use her for shipments of drugs, slaves, and other contraband.


TS (YT-1300 Freighter) Sold By: Split, and Paranid - The TS version of the YT-1300 is loosely based on the stock light freighter of the same designation manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. A slower variant of the TP version manufactured the Split, the TS version is also heavily armed with 2 quad-laser turrets. While she has limited cargo capacity and no front weapons, she does carry 125MJ of advanced shielding.

TS (Cotton Tender) Sold By: Argon - The Cotton Class Long-range Tenders were essential in the maintenance and upkeep of the Argon Fleet during the Xenon wars. Converted to civilian use, these slow but sturdy ships have a large cargo capacity, and a heavier weapon loadout than typical TS class freighters. With 125MJ of shielding, two front lasers, and a dual-laser rear turret, these ships are often used for transporting goods in high-risk sectors.

TS (Electra - SuperFreighter) Sold By: Argon - While based on the same hull design as the Cotton Tender, the new Argon Electra Superfreighter is a product of today's highly combat-oriented shipping market. With Kha"ak and Xenon raids on a steady increase, in addition to the constant losses inflicted on Argon shippers by the Yaki menace--the Electra is the answer. Essentially a light corvette geared more towards haulage than combat, the Electra combines a roomy cargo bay with powerful shielding, excellent speed, a well-armored hull, and powerful defensive weaponry. The Electra is the ideal ship--really the only ship--in today's hostile shipping climate, for ensuring that expensive, high technology cargoes make it to market unscathed. Fairly expensive for a TS class vessel, the Electra is worth every credit for Universe Traders dealing in high-value cargoes who are intent on surviving to a ripe old age.

TS (Firefly) Sold By: Boron - The Firefly is loosely based on a stock light freighter that was originally used in the Serenity Sector, where there was very little need for heavy armor and weapon configurations. This ship relies on speed and maneuverability to survive, and is not well-suited to the more hostile areas of the X-Universe. Capable of atmospheric landing and takeoff.

TS (Invicta) Sold By: Teladi - The Invicta is a well armed TS class ship, with very strong shielding and hull material. She's somewhat slow, but has an enhanced missile capability and an aft dual-laser turret making her a real challenge to the casual Pirate or privateer. Typically used by the Teladi in small to medium sized convoys, the Invicta is clearly superior to the older Vulture-class TS.

TS (Invicta - SuperFreighter) Sold By: Teladi - The Teladi Invicta SuperFreighter is the largest model of the new Invicta class of Teladi freighters. Designed to replace the reliable but aging Vulture class, the Invicta class provides superior performance in virtually all criteria, and is competitively priced. The SuperFreighter version of Invicta, in addition to mounting a second defensive turret, is quite well shielded. The Invicta SuperFreighter also possesses uncharacteristically rapid speed for a Teladi craft, as well as more robust weapons and shield generators not found in smaller models of the Invicta class.

TS (Krait/SF) - Sold by: Split - The Split Krait is the largest SuperFreighter class ship ever built. Really a "pocket TL" or TS/TL hybrid, she is the only non-TL class vessel capable of carrying station-class cargo. Like most Split ships she is heavily armed, mounting three quadruple "light flak" turrets, as well as a rear Alpha Flak Array turret, and a fixed forward battery of Paranid Phased Shockwave Generators. Krait can also carry one M3 class ship or smaller in an internal docking bay for scouting, cargo transfer, or defense. While slower than the much larger Elephant class heavy transporter, Krait is faster than all other Split Super Freighters. Heavily shielded for a Split TS-class vessel, she is also uncharacteristically maneuverable. Costing about a third most standard sized TL's, the Krait is excellent value for a ship of her size and defensive capabilities.


  • ++ Hieronymos for the coming up with the whole re-balancing concept, and for being the "driving force" behind the re-balancing effort.
    ++ The DDRS Beta Test Team - Vayde, Cipriotu, Rattler, Emerald Flint, Mailo, and RustiSwordz.
    ++ StarTrek Marc, for permission to allow me to alter his Race Invasions scripts to use DDRS ships, and include them as optional scripts.
    ++ MQ (from the old X2 days) for permission to use his Bountyhunter scripts as the base (and inspiration) for the DD.BH scripts included as optional scripts.
    ++ Doubleshadow for the best development "workbench" any modder could ask for. Without his tools, I simply would not have bothered.
    ++ Red Spot for investing a significant amount of time and effort in developing the script set for the mod. The Mod also use his 'roid reduction files. (Imitated, but never matched!)
    ++ The Naginata is based on original concept art by RustiSwordz (RustiSwordz@deviantart.com)
    ++ Shade (shadowlands@mweb.co.za) - Original concept art for the Teladi M2 Grendel (aka Protector).
    ++ For the inspiration on the B-Wing, Tie Defender, Tie Bomber, and Tie Interceptor, all credit to "Dr. Jones" <docteur.jones@wanadoo.fr>. This guy is one of the premier modelers of Star Wars ships, and it is unfortunate that X3 cannot handle polygon count in his original models...they are gorgeous! Being able to use his excellent work as "templates, and as a reference has made many of my Star Wars ships possible.
    ++ The Roger Young is based on a model by Gerard Dolan & Marc-Laurent "Magma" Magnier. I have built each part (mesh) from scratch, keeping the poly-count to a minimum, but I would be remiss if I did not credit the excellent work of Gerard and Marc-Laurent.
    ++ The Monsoon Gunboat and Starfury models are based on the work of Fabio Passaro. As with several other ships, the original meshes were starting points, and I have taken substantial liberties when remodeling the ships.
    ++ The YT-2400 "Outrider" is based on a mesh by Sebastian Hirsch (Mojo).
    ++ The Sulaco is based on a great mesh made by D. Procter (dproc@ozemail.com.au).
    ++ The Trident is based on a nice mesh originally done in TrueSpace by Arctorus back in 2003.
    ++ The original model of the Base Star was done by David Kerin (davidkerin@yahoo.com). It's not as pretty as David's original work, but I tried to do it justice while hacking off 100k polygons.
    ++ The model of the Cotton Tender is based on an original work by Patrick Klevbrant, from back in 1997. The original mesh had 170k polygons, and cutting it down to the current 30k was an interesting exercise in using DDS textures.
    ++ The Ranger is based on the work of Steve Wilson. Steve is an awesome talent, who does a lot of work in and around the old-style BSG style environment. Any errors you might find are mine, as I really had to work at reducing the original poly count (440k+).
    ++ The Nebulon-B was provided to me as a bare mesh by Schlachtschiff, from the German X3 community. I made minor tweaks to the mesh, and applied the textures. Since the Nebulon-B was "on my list, but was pretty low in priority, you can thank Schlachtschiff for the fact that it is included in this release.
    ++ The Gorith Heavy Fighter is based on another model by Fabio (fabio@deepspacenine.clara.co.uk) which he produced back in 2000.
    ++ The T"loth was based on an original mesh by Nadab Göksu (mailto:Nadab@Eon3D.com). Again, any errors are mine, as this was a major effort to reduce the polygon count.
    ++ For the Omega Destroyer, I used several models as my starting point. The one that was most useful was created back in 1996 by a modeler with the email address of mstetson@aol.com. Unfortunately, there is nothing in the files that gives me his/her name.
    ++ The Firefly, while heavily modified to reduce the polygon count, was based on the very nice model produced by Sean P. Kennedy (sean.kennedy@am.sony.com)
    ++ The setup script for the CSCP equipment/software is based on Moggy2's great Xai setup library scripts.
    ++ The original NuuBari mesh was made by Arctorus in trueSpace. I had to alter and rebuild a number of elements, and any problems and/or errors ar mine.
    ++ The
Last edited by DeadlyDa on Thu, 5. Jul 07, 20:21, edited 24 times in total.

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Post by Cycrow » Fri, 17. Nov 06, 21:10

what this post sposed to be in the main thread ?

let me know and ill merge them

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Post by DeadlyDa » Fri, 17. Nov 06, 22:30

Thanks Cycrow, but that won't be needed

This is supposed to be a separate thread, since the Rebalanced mod has quite a few differences frpm the standard "Leveled" version...and trying to keep track of them in the same thread would be a nightmare.

When I originally pasted in the announcement (which I create in a text editor), it was pretty messed up...so I just posted the links for now.

I'll update the post with the text and pix later...after the dust settles from the initial release :roll:

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Post by Fendalis » Fri, 17. Nov 06, 23:34

Woot! Sounds awesome! Can't wait to test this one out, sounds like a great challenge. :twisted:
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Post by dragonsblade71uk » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 01:57

Would it be possible to play the leveled and then at a later date install this, or would that require a restart?

Just deciding which to start off with, and not have to restart.

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Post by tomol » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 01:59

Is there any other mods, suck as less rocks, integrated in DDRS leveled and rebalanced versions?

I found mini-hud mod had been removed.
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Post by DeadlyDa » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 03:03

tomol: I removed the 'less 'Roid feature. It was originally created by Red Spot to try and minimize the performance hit due to all the debris floating around in the various sectors. Since with the latest patches installed it seemed that the performance hit was minimal (I don't even notice it), I didn't feel it as necessary. It was only active for those players that started new games anyway.

As far as the old mini-HUD: I had a number of players complain about having the old mini-HUD embedded into DDRS...either because they liked the standard Egosoft HUD, or because they wanted to use one of the other HUD mods that are floating around.

Since HUD mods can easily be installed by using them as a "false patch", it made sense to remove it and let the player chose what they wanted to run. Currently, I am using LH's minimal HUD as a false patch (e.g. renamed to 10.dat/10.cat), since he has already taken the time to update his gui_master to be compatible with the V2 patch. If you are interested in a clean mini-HUD that is Bala Gi compatible, check out what LH has done - http://forum3.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php ... highlight=

dragonsblade71uk: It is possible to switch from Leveled to Rebalanced...but there is some minor pain involved. You can use the standard DDRS "re-start trick" (jump in a plain-jane Egosoft ship, fly to a fairly empty sector, and save there...then use that save as your starting point).

However, not all aspects of the X3 ship specifications are updated when ships are respawned. One example I know of from personal experience is the number of shields a ship can carry. During beta testing, when I upgraded DDRS Leveled to Rebalanced, my main ship had been the Outrider. In the Leveled mod, it's fast and carries 2x25MJ of shielding...but in Rebalanced it is slow and has 4x25MJ. I was unable to increase shielding in my old Outrider beyond the original 2 shields. I ended up buying a new one, transferring all my equipment & upgrades, and selling the old one.

You cannot easily go from Rebalanced to Leveled since Rebalanced adds in a new weapon, and a few factories. (I suspect you could go from Rebalanced to Leveled, but there would be 3-4 "bogus" factories, and a few "readtext" messages in some of the Equipment docks. Nothing that couldn't be taken care of with a small "clean-up" script...but then you would still have to deal with the occasional ship issue.) For instance, going from Rebalanced to Leveled...you end up with a fast 4-shield Outrider in a universe where everyone else only gets 2 shields. Hmmm... :twisted:

Keep in mind, I've only tried going from Leveled to Rebalanced...and while I think it would work going the other way, I certainly don't make any promises :)

Hope this helps...

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Post by DeadlyDa » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 04:14

Fixed bug in Jump Start script. A typo caused it to be run every time you reloaded. Also, fixed the "none" entry for ship selection.

The updated script in SPK format:
http://www.flatrock.org.nz/wolf/images/ ... t_V1.2.spk

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Post by DeadlyDa » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 05:23

FYI: A player with the Leveled mod had an apparent problem with one of the download packages. As a precaution, I have reloaded all 4 mod packages. if you had experienced problems downloading, it should be clear now.

bob hope
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Post by bob hope » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 10:13

i love the look of this mod, but i hate fleets, probably from flying about in x2 and getting headbutted to death from my wingmen, so i think ill stick to the levelled, plus making posts in there ......
About the name - i was lost for a name on the forum and looking round, then a Bob Hope film came on, and i thought "that will do nicely"

i was born and raised argumentative i dont mean to offend ...... sorry

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Post by Lidza » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 11:38


I know that is probably asking too much but...

Wouldn't be possible to integrate some of the features of XTended mod?

Such as the visual effects of missiles, weaponry and explosions?

I reckon that this would make a significant improvement to this mod.


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Post by nrich61 » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 12:38

deadly da

you are a very sexy man!

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Post by AlieNation » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 14:38

Ad astra!

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Post by tomol » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 16:26

Lidza wrote:@DeadlyDa

I know that is probably asking too much but...

Wouldn't be possible to integrate some of the features of XTended mod?

Such as the visual effects of missiles, weaponry and explosions?

I reckon that this would make a significant improvement to this mod.

Actually you could try to integrate Creative ESX into DDRS. It is quite easy.
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Post by DeadlyDa » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 18:34


There appears to be a problem with 1 or more of the mod packages on the server. I'll assume it's a problem on my end with uploading, since the server is professionally hosted...and we get in excess of 10k hits per day on our main website.

I am in the process of (once again) completely re-uploading the 4 mod packages.

The correct file sizes and timestamps are:
  • - DDRS_Rebalance_Mod_V2.4a.exe : 26,783 KB : 11/17/2006 10:45
    - DDRS_Rebalance_Mod_V2.4a.rar : 26,732 KB : 11/17/2006 10:45
    - DDRS_ShipStation_Mod_V2.4a.exe : 27,565 : 11/17/2006 10:42
    - DDRS_ShipStation_Mod_V2.4a.rar : 27,513 : 11/17/2006 10:42
It's 12:26 (EST), so I'd give it 30 minutes to be sure the uploads have completed.

PS: This seems to mostly impact the Leveled mod.

PPS: I'l respond to the other comments & suggestions once I'm sure the DL packages are solid.

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Post by Fendalis » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 18:35

Hi, looks really slick so far, but a problem...maybe. I found the asteroid base, and took the first mission. Was in my Bala-Gi Yacht, if that makes any difference, and it said it wanted some Argon Scum eliminated or something to that effect. I said I'd do it, and then nothing. As I recall there is usually a secondary message indicating the target, but there was no such message, and quite some time on SETA revealed no Argon ships. Redocked, got a message to get rid of some Split Scum, and again, no follow up. Re-downloading now, in case that was an issue, as I know there've been some problems with the .exe

Thanks...and I parked the Yacht next to some gigantic green ship at the Asteroid base (how many ships does it spawn???) and it is huge and awesome looking! Nice work!
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Post by moggy2 » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 19:24

can someone tell me what the difference is between this thread and this one?

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Post by Fendalis » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 19:27

Two different versions of the mod, one (leveled) as it originally was, and this one (rebalanced) that has been made with well, rebalanced ships designed to provide more of a challenge and require more strategy...I that's the difference in a nutshell.
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Post by Lidza » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 21:11

tomol wrote:
Lidza wrote:@DeadlyDa

I know that is probably asking too much but...

Wouldn't be possible to integrate some of the features of XTended mod?

Such as the visual effects of missiles, weaponry and explosions?

I reckon that this would make a significant improvement to this mod.

Actually you could try to integrate Creative ESX into DDRS. It is quite easy.

Unfortunately I don't know German to understand what it does either how to install it :oops: not mentioning that I don't even know how to integrate two mods :(

However, I've pickup DDR mod yesterday just to try it.

Before, I've been playing the XTended mod since its release and the visual features made some impact (X3 looked a new game... different).

Integrations of such XTended visual features into DDR would only enhance this mod too.

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Post by DeadlyDa » Sat, 18. Nov 06, 21:28


All of the main configuration files, and some of the scripts are different. The mods are developed and maintained separately.

If the threads were combined, I would be almost impossible to maintain. For example, a bug report about turrets not firing on a ship in re-balanced will typically not apply to Leveled.

The graphic elements are common, and the core plugin by Red Spot is common...but the ship specs, weapon loadouts, and custom scripts are not.

This is very similar to my old SSG mods for X2, where there were different versions, with different game play characteristics...but common graphic models for the ships and stations.

Each unique version of SSG had it's own thread, since the bug reports were specific to the version. This is the same situation I have with Rebalanced and Leveled.

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